The Next Chapter
Two years have passed since Dawn of the Cataclysm came out (Oct. 2021). The Summer 2022 update announced that SK had to pause most plans because of SK mastermind James Michael House’s father’s illness. Sadly, his father was diagnosed with stage IV cancer later that summer (2022) and died in August 2023. This was a difficult time for JMH and his family. Now, as a new chapter begins, Squanky Kong is making new plans for the future.
In 2023, the new studio streaming room added some fun with music and game streaming activities. The live music sessions were not frequent due to scheduling issues, but the streaming room worked well and got better with time. It is now ready for more action in the future. Twitch streaming of games and music will go on occasionally. But the main focus will be on creating more music.
New music is expected to be released in 2025. Some unfinished songs from the Dawn of the Cataclysm sessions will be completed. There are also many new music ideas waiting to be explored. Stay tuned for more updates moving forward.
Date: October 14th, 2023
Live Streaming in 2023
The new streaming studio room is complete at Squank Studio. With its completion comes lots of plans to expand the live streaming in 2023.
Coming in the spring there will be new music stream formats, including group jam sessions focused on freestyle Rock Fusion improvisation, featuring various musicians local to the Eugene, Oregon area.
The streaming capabilities have expanded to include multiple cameras and mutli-platform streaming. There is a new @SquankyKong YouTube channel that will primarily focus on the upcoming live music streaming, in addition to streaming live to Facebook and Twitch simultaneously.
Meanwhile, JMH will continue to share his casual gaming on Twitch, both with the new PC gaming setup in Squank Studio, as well the ability now to stream from his home playing console games.
It is not all streaming coming soon. Squank Studio has undergone some long overdue maintenance and upgrades to once again be running 100%. With this time in the fully operational studio will come some new studio productions and new music for the future. So, keep an eye out. Lots to come in 2023.
Date: March 10th, 2023
Squanky Kong Update - Summer 2022
Other than some streaming on the Squanky Kong Twitch by James Michael House, SK has been on a bit of an unplanned hiatus since the beginning of 2022. There are some good reasons why...
The original plans following the release of "Dawn of the Cataclysm" was for James Michael House (JMH) to head back to Los Angeles from his Oregon home/ studio to reform the SK live band. Those plans were abruptly cancelled when his father Bill House was diagnosed with Alzheimer's late in 2021. With no other family around JMH decided to stay in Oregon for a while to help his father transition to long-term care during this challenging time.
JMH not being able to return fulltime to Los Angeles indeed messed up a lot of the plans for Squanky Kong following the release. But things are reorganizing, and being in Oregon with continued studio access does extend opportunities with content creation, in particular making more music to release.
JMH is doing some updates and refurbishing to his Oregon recording facility while refocusing on studio work. He is beginning to offer freelance part-time as well, including remote guitar/ bass recording, editing, and more. You can check that out at his professional site https://www.jamesmichaelhouse.com
The pandemic with all the economic fallout; inflation and rising costs; and family medical problems resulting in more pressures. It has been a rough couple years financially for most everyone involved with SK. The new album amazingly got released relatively unscathed, though a year late. However, much of the needed promotion to support the release was missing due to financial complications.
In light of the tough financial times. There is a fundraising effort being started. After some requests being made, there is now a way for Squanky Kong fans to donate and help support the music. Donations are through PayPal and Squank Entertainment, Just Click Here or use the donate button at the bottom of this website. All proceeds go directly to help Squanky Kong continue spreading the music.
Date: July 24th, 2022
Squanky Kong on Bandcamp
Squanky Kong is now on Bandcamp. It was decided to be a good indie option to make the new album Dawn of the Cataclysm available to download at the full 24-Bit 96 kHz studio quality as a FLAC file. Any purchase also includes the MP3 download and can be streamed on the Bandcamp app. All the older SK releases will also be available in the original 16-Bit 44.1 kHz uncompressed versions as well. For the foreseeable future the best place to get the Squanky Kong music and merch direct will at Bandcamp.
Date: Nov. 15th, 2021
The New SquankyKong Twitch Channel
It may come as no surprise that video games are a longtime favorite to Squanky Kong, with SK rhyming with a certain classic game character. Now there is a new SquankyKong Twitch channel where you can find SK mastermind James Michael House streaming casual gaming and music performances on occasion. This is being done more to try out for fun, and to connect with people live. There may be periods with little activity when too busy. Follow the Twitch channel and turn on notifications to find out when streams are going live. There will also be notification when going live on the SK Twitter. You can also check out Squanky Kong Instagram and Facebook stories for additional notifications and info on content.
Check it out at https://www.twtich.tv/squankykong
Date: Oct. 29th, 2021
Dawn of the Cataclysm is Available Now!
It is finally here. The new album Dawn of the Cataclysm is available on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, and most other streaming services. It is also available as a limited edition CD on the SK web store for those that like the physical format for the quality and collectability.
Take a listen to the most complete musical vision of Squanky Kong yet!
Across the Uncanny Valley
Know End Insight
The Gadget
Parade the Plastic Planet
Despicable Doublethink
War by Proxy
Traitors in the Midst
We Make the World
Date: October 15th, 2021
Know End Insight - The first single is available now!
Know End Insight is the first single being released from the upcoming album, Dawn of the Cataclysm. It is available now to stream on Spotify and other services.
Follow this link to take a listen and share now!
Date: Sept 10th, 2021
Pre-save the new album
The new album "Dawn of the Cataclysm" can now be pre-saved on Spotify, Amazon, and Apple, with more to come. Just click on the cover art, or follow this link. https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/squankykong/dawn-of-the-cataclysm
Date: August 25th, 2021
Dawn of the Cataclysm
After over two years of production - with sessions in Los Angeles, Nashville, and the Pacific Northwest - the new Squanky Kong album is at last entering the final phase. The title "Dawn of the Cataclysm", which was conceived at the end of 2019, seems more appropriate than ever after such a globally tumultuous 2020. There will be much to come in the months leading up to the album release. So be sure to stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. A release date has been set for October 15th, 2021.
Dawn of the Cataclysm
Across the Uncanny Valley
Know End Insight
The Gadget
Parade the Plastic Planet
Despicable Doublethink
War by Proxy
Traitors in the Midst
We Make the World
Date: January 20th, 2021

Pressure Tank 2020 and VEVO
Pressure Tank 2020 dropped as a special surprise video release on July 15th. It is a re-worked version of the 2015 song, The video features stop-motion mixed media animation by artist Linsey Doyon. The release of this video also marks the launch of a new YouTube VEVO channel for Squanky Kong.
Date: July 16th, 2021

COVID-19 Impact
In this time as the world deals with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Squanky Kong regrets to inform that the new album release date, which was due to be announced for later this year, is being pushed back till 2021. The new plan is to take advantage of this extra time to make sure this album is best it can be. So stay tuned for something amazing to come next year.
In the meantime the official Squanky Kong Bazaar is up and running with new items from Squanky Kong and creator James Michael House. As an continuing offer of entertainment till the current crisis is over, you can find all the older Squanky Kong music available on the Rhapsody page to download with "name your own price". So those that are struggling can have some free music to pass the time, and those that are not can still show their support since the music industry is one that has been hard hit.
Date: April 18th, 2020

Squank Studio into 2020
Diligent work has continued through the holidays and into the new year at Squank Studio, recording the final touches to the new album. Care is being taken to not rush anything, and make sure everything is as perfect as possible. The recording process is expected to be completed in just a few months. Then the mixing and mastering process begins in the early summer.
There is no release date as of yet, but barring unforeseen circumstances, the best of efforts is being made to get it released by late 2020. A single is expected to drop preceding the full album. Stay tuned for more!
Date: January 5th, 2020

Clear Lake Recording Studio And More
In late September some great vocals were recorded for the upcoming album at Clear Lake Recording Studio (Studio B), North Hollywood, California. Another piece of the puzzle. Still a lot of work to do to finish this epic album, but things are taking shape quite nicely.
Also while in Los Angeles, Craig Huxley kindly contributed some keyboards for another song, recorded again at his home studio in Sherman Oaks.
Date: September 28th, 2019

Recording At Ocean Way Nashville
In July SK mastermind James Michael House got the opportunity to catch his longtime friend Joseph Wooten between touring with the Steve Miller Band and working with his brother Victor. With just one long day in Studio C at Ocean Way Nashville, they managed to record keyboards for three songs on the upcoming Squanky Kong album.
Date: July 10th. 2019

Recording At Huxley Manor
A postponement in May pushed back the studio production some. This led to some auxiliary vocal recordings being done for the new album at Craig Huxley's home studio in Sherman Oaks, California instead. While there, Craig graciously contributed some time to add piano to a song as well.
Date: May 8th, 2019

Squank Studio Sessions and the New Year
The new SK album production continues into 2019 with James Michael House working at his Squank Studio in Western Oregon. The recording and editing process will continue through 2019, with vocals already planned to be recorded in Los Angeles sometime later in the year.
There is no official release date as yet for the album, but it is estimated to be sometime in 2020 . There are strong prospects of some special releases occurring before the album drops as well.
Date: January 2nd, 2019

Production Start & The Village
Much work was completed through the summer to lay a path for the upcoming Squanky Kong album with many new songs being demoed and finalized. The drums were tracked last month (Oct.) at world famous The Village Recorder - Studio A in Los Angeles, California, with additional work continuing through the holidays.
Date: November 15th, 2018